Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Orchestra Italiano | Part 6, Saint Paul's Within the Walls

 April 2, 2024: First Concert

The HYSO played their first concert in Rome's St Paul's Within the Walls church. In 1870, Italy adopted a new constitution that allowed non-Roman Catholic churches to be built within the city walls. Prior to that, worship spaces for other religions were required to be built "outside the walls". Construction of the current Episcopal church began with the laying of its cornerstone on January 25, 1873 during the feast of St Paul. The church's name "Within the Walls" specifically celebrates the siting of this church within the city of Rome as its first Protestant church.

One of the great joys of participating in this tour is watching our children play music so expertly in such beautiful and historic places. Unfortunately, I have a confession to make. In 2022, as the unofficial "Orchestra Den Mother" to The Bear and her classmates, I put in a lot of effort to get pictures of them performing. I even managed to get good group photos of everyone from The Bear's school after each performance. In 2024, I clearly transitioned to being a "Bad Dad" because I failed to get many photos of the kids performing at all and did not successfully capture a single group shot.

But I will say that it was one heck of a terrific concert.

Photo by Dena.

Izzy clearly agrees.

Even from the outside, the church stood out as unique.

Within, it was absolutely beautiful. Phrases in Hebrew and Greek can be found in the mosaic behind the altar, all surrounded by Moorish architectural elements. It seemed like a place that graciously welcomed all comers.

Interestingly, the church's website describes how much of its construction was backed by Americans such that there are some familiar faces among the "Christian Warriors" depicted in the mosaic including Ulysses S Grant, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt.

Outside, I discovered a rather odd sculpture garden that brought to mind that scene in The Expanse (both book and series) involving the protomolecule running amuck on Eros.

Photo by Dena.

Prior to the concert, Casey rehearsed the HYSO in the unfamiliar space. During this time, several of us busied ourselves by folding programs and completely mucking-up Ruth's carefully counted Ziploc bag program storage system.

Photo by Dena.

The concert was truly outstanding and Casey praised the group for playing such an excellent concert in a "live" space that was acoustically very different from the auditorium at Hochstein.

Izzy with the bases after the concert. Photo by Dena.

The Bear managed to avoid my camera entirely after the concert, but there was no doubt that she played a fantastic concert and acquitted herself well during her solos. Kristy and I were extremely proud of her.

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